Thursday, February 10, 2011

(LOOK at that expression!)



  1. Tiff said...
    Ok - in that first photo? Autumn is STUNNING! and in the last photo? Becca is ADORABLE!
    Qait said...
    I especially love Heidi's face in the last one, maybe because it caught her with an expression I've either never or rarely seen her wear! (And I'm not saying she never makes that face, looking down and thinking about whatever, but I haven't been around enough to see it). She's beautiful!
    So are all of your girls. I'm tickled by how much Esther looks like you, how huggable Becca looks, and how princessly and mature Autumn is.
    Lisa said...
    Oh my gosh, so stinking cute!!! You are one girl away from Pride and Prejudice :)
    Rae said...

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