Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Not so different

I've been thinking. Shocking I know. But in all seriousness, a lot of people near & dear to me as well as mere acquaintances or complete strangers have been telling me lately that I am superwoman. Sometimes it's in reference to me having four kids but lately it's been in reference to the fact that I am homeschooling them.

I have to say on both counts, that I am not superwoman. And today it hit -- the best way to describe this. Yes, I'm doing something different than many others and it is hard for some to fathom and others just seem to think it's super-human or beyond them. But I am no different from you. I simply have chosen a different normal. Granted, once I made my decision, there was a period of adjustment. But aren't all big decisions like that? And once I crossed over that hump, it became my routine and my lifestyle. My new normal. Does that make sense?

And just as we all encounter challenges in the day-to-day aspects of our lives, I encounter challenges in homeschooling. But just as you meet those challenges head-on and find a way to work through them, so do I. It's not extraordinary. It's life. And isn't it wonderful?!


  1. Abbie said...
    I'm going to need some help from you in 2 years. We're still deciding what path we want to take as far as schooling goes, but I'm pretty sure homeschool is going to be the answer.
    Abby said...
    Abbie, I'd LOVE to help! Just drop me a line anytime.
    Heidi said...
    Oh, I hear you... to some degree we all get to choose our insanity and while mine may seem off the charts to others, I wouldn't want to trade places. Some things hard for me are easy for them and vice versa. Yes, I have five little kids way close in age (on purpose) and homeschool and cloth diaper and do out of hospital births, blah, blah... all things people have told me count as crazy. But my husband is only gone four hours a day. And he doesn't go at all if I have that crazed look in my eyes, he stays home and helps Mommy stay sane. Those people who are home with the kids and hubby has to be gone long hours (meaning anything over 5 hours/day) or travel or deploy? I cannot fathom the strength of those mothers, I am in awe.

    So maybe we're all Super Women in our own special ways? :)
    Rae said...
    LOVE this explanation....although I still greatly admire you for the "normal" you have chosen. :)
    Headle said...
    Say what you want--I still think you are incredible!! :)
    chucknorris said...
    aww abby... i miss you! you know what the beginning of your entry made me think of? "Lafoo I'm afraid I've been thinking... a dangerous pastime, I know." Anyways, you still seem like superwoman to me but I'll try to realize that you want to be humble and that it's actually NORMAL to be so amazing. ;) jk. i got what you meant.
    Melissa said...
    Excellent. Just excellent...

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