Tuesday, November 17, 2009

And this, is Heidi

She likes to sneak into my room to look for things. My room is the fall-out zone for things that have yet to be sorted. The girls have been playing "baby" with Esther lately and Heidi keeps trying to take Becca's binkies for their playtime. I told her she can't have them and so now she has been on the hunt for a bag of old binkies that Becca didn't like.

I told her to stay out of my room and she told me she would if I gave her the bag of binkies!! I countered that I wouldn't even consider giving her the binkies unless she stopped sneaking into my room.

She was pushing in the books on the living room bookshelf today and I told her to stop and asked why she would do that. Her reply? "I was making a code."

Earlier this week? We have been using goal charts for their schoolwork and other goals around the house each week. The system is this: if they have all greens and three or less yellows by Friday after school, they can pick something from the treasure box. Any reds? No treasure box. This was actually Heidi's idea and it has helped tremendously with her motivation to do her lessons. But anyway...one day she opted out of doing something correctly because she knew she could get three yellows and still get treasure box. Later that same day, she figured one more yellow wouldn't hurt. And by evening, I heard her saying to Autumn, "Want to clean our room and put things in the wrong places and get a yellow? Wanna do that? We can get three yellows."

Oh my dear, dear, Heidi. She loves to be in charge. She loves to do things her way. And she loves to have a choice in the matter, however small it is. I love imagining all the great things that she will do as she grows and matures! I believe she will be destined for great things.


  1. Lisa said...
    Oh man, "We can get three yellows!" At least she thinks things through... :)
    Sarah said...
    Hahaha. Sounds like she'll be a fun teenager! :) I still picture her sitting in front of us at church in Wymount and shaking her head back and forth with her little piggy tails flyin'. Cute! What a personality...
    Rae said...
    I LOVE that she has your systems figured out...she knows how to WORK the system, and while I know that it challenges you as a mother, it also makes you have to be one ingenious mom! Oh, my Heidi. She's so dang smart.
    Qait said...
    hahahah I love that stinker! She's brilliant. So clever.

    Like you, Abby!!!! ;)
    Anna said...
    What a fireball!! How can a six year old be that smart? I don't think I was that clever at the age...but then again, I don't think I am that clever at 26 either. :)
    chucknorris said...
    Awesome :D I agree with everybody else's comments.
    Emily said...
    This made me laugh out loud. Stinks when kids are so smart, huh??
    rachel said...
    There's always one in every family (or classroom) who will push the limits as far as they can. :) Sometimes more than one. You get to learn how to make things work! I just smile and laugh because in 8 years of teaching a flood of memories come back as to all those limit-pushers I've had. :) Enjoy! As much as I didn't like it at times, I became a better teacher. I'm sure she's helping you be a better, if not more creative, mother! Go Abs! BTW, we're expecting baby #2 in June.
    Abby said...
    Congratulations Rachel!! You'll have to keep me posted when/if you find out what you're having!

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