Monday, November 2, 2009

I just threw a tantrum.

Feeling embarrassed but still seething.

I need to find my marbles.

My happy thoughts.
(from HOOK, you know? If you haven't seen it, it's a must.)

I've pulled myself together enough to finish what we were doing.

And just when I was ready to say fine, watch a cartoon! (don't get me wrong, that's not unusual but I was trying not to use the TV today...), Heidi said "Can you get out the button factory?"

Oh how I love it when my children have creative moments and urges.

So, the moment has passed. My throat hurts, the kids are happy, and I think it's time to figure out what I'm making for dinner and have a quieter and loving evening from here on out.

The button factory = buttons + paper + glue (and anything else that sounds fun!)


  1. Qait said...
    Aww... :( I hate it when I have tantrums. Even though they're thankfully rare, it's never good.
    I know that sore throat feeling. :( blehhhh
    I have loved reading your blogs! Catching up! I love you so much.
    I miss you A LOT.
    Jennie Z said...
    I think we all have our not so grown up moments. It's nice to know we aren't alone! By the way Kate pulled a Heidi move with the scissors this morning. All I could think of when she did it was how many times Heidi had pulled the same move, so I laughed and pulled out the camera. You can see it on my blog!
    Rae said...
    I love it. :) Button factory. Brilliant.

    It's okay. We all throw tantrums.
    Lisa said...
    Have you seen this commercial? This reminded me of that.

    Oh, and I definitely have tantrums once in a while. I'm glad you've admitted to them so that I don't feel quite as bad :)
    Abby said...
    Qait, we need to catch up and have a phone visit I think. :)

    Jennie, I am SO sorry Kate cut her hair!! Maybe it'll grow fast...

    Lisa, that commercial was AWESOME. Had not seen it before. Laughed really hard. I'm glad I can at least say I didn't fall down and pound the floor!:D
    Jean said...
    Don't worry, it happens, and you're still Supermom. :-) I kind of love your button factory. I want to have a button factory in our house too!!
    Anonymous said...
    I threw a tantrum twice yesterday and my throat has been sore all day. Also, I hurt my foot throwing Eva out the back door so she wouldn't wake Noah with her I have that to remind me of my tantruming as well. I was a little afraid that someone was going to call the cops the way Eva was screaming in the back yard...what I am trying to say is...I'm glad I'm not the only one who screams at her kids!
    Abby said...
    Cara! I'm so sorry!!! On the bright side though, isn't it the saving grace of motherhood that days like that rarely come in twos? Mine was only a few days ago and I already feel like it was ages ago...

    Oh the tender mercies...
    chucknorris said...
    i guess the worst part is... it's inevitable!
    anyways i agree with your friend, you're still supermom.
    katyn said...
    I love your button factory idea. I'm feeling guilty because I just turned on Sesame Street for Elizabeth because I want to get some cleaning done. (sigh) Maybe tomorrow.
    Trishelle said...
    Abby, I love you to the moon and back! I'm glad you found your marbles. Way to pull yourself out of a rotten moment...

    "Hook" really is an awesome movie.

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