Monday, October 15, 2007

Somehow I thought some things from my childhood would not repeat themselves in my own childrens' lives. HA!

Autumn's has been six for only 10 days and already one of her presents bears the marks of...a genius? Not exactly. She received a piggy bank for her birthday and guess what is written across the forehead of her now "branded" bank? PIG.

Another instance....yesterday I found hair on Heidi's bed. Several locks of hair. Autumn cut Heidi's hair! The funniest thing about it though, is that you can't even TeLL. Heidi has such a mane that there seems to be NO difference. I often think to myself that her hair fits her wild personality. :) She's so spunky!

1 Comment:

  1. Lisa said...
    I once cut my bangs right off because I wanted no bangs. It was after my mom freaked out that she would now have an ugly child that she told me that people who don't have bangs grow them out.

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