Monday, March 1, 2010

This morning as I met with our charter school educational specialist, in our house, the girls...well, they were typical kids...I think?

Esther cut her hair. It looks awful. I can't even take a picture because I already can't look at her without smiling. If I take a picture she'll know for sure that it's really funny. I'm trying so hard to keep it serious....

I made mixed berry pancake syrup on Saturday. Heidi & Esther poured it into ice cube trays and were preparing to freeze it.

I need to go see if I can salvage my sanity. Wish me luck!


  1. Lisa said...
    Not sure if I ever told you this story, but once I decided that I wanted to have no bangs like this pretty girl I saw at my sister's school, and as someone who had bangs my whole life, the only way to get rid of bangs is... cut them! Right at the root! I ran outside to show my mom and I just remember that she wasn't mad, she was sad. She kept saying, "Oh, you used to be cute!!" I had a lot of awkward months with bangs trying to grow out :/
    Rae said...
    HAHHAHAHAH!!! Ooooooooh man. Sorry. I guess I won't be laughing if Savvy makes a foray into the self-hair-styling business....
    Qait said...
    Yeaaaahhhh... do you guys remember when you asked me if I'd cut the fluffy hairs at the nape of my neck? You know, the ones that are, end-bangs? I don't know if everyone grows those, but my hair's like that in the back. Anyway, I hated them. And so I cut them--not TOO close to the root, since I knew it would be too obvious that way...
    When you asked if I'd cut them I said "NO, of course not! They just grow that way." HAH!
    Maybe the syrup can be salvaged as well as your sanity?
    Trishelle said...
    I remember that song in the 90s!! LOVE the reading corner. That is a GREAT idea!

    Seriously, I think your kids could be painted neon blue and covered in powdered sugar and still be absolutely adorable!!

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