Monday, February 8, 2010

6 minutes

Lemon coconut cake chilling in the fridge. Chicken & white bean stew simmering on the stove. Bread bowls cooling on the stove. Table set.

Six minutes to sit down.

Sounds wonderful doesn't it?

Then I should change my three-year old's wet pants (and yes, she's in underwear...shoot!). And maybe I'll even fit time into my evening to attack the mounds of dishes on my counter.


  1. Jean said...
    Mmmm... sounds delicious!! (Except for the wet bottoms, haha)
    Qait said...
    Wow, yummy! And only six minutes to enjoy it? Is that what you meant? :( Awww....
    Wendi said...
    Way to go! That sounds sooooo good right now! Um, like Jean, except for the wet bottom.
    Molly said...
    You're HIRED!!! How soon can you start?
    Qait said...
    oh wait, dumb, sorry!
    You had six minutes to pause and write this all inbetween...right?
    Sorry! *sheepish smile*
    Lisa said...
    Haha, I love your blog. I often wonder how people like you do it with 4 kids, and now I see. Nothing is ever totally together, but you've gotta enjoy those good moments (minutes) that you have. Thanks for being fun and honest.
    chucknorris said...
    you know I'd do your dishes for you if I was there. I would love to be your hired maid. But I guess I shouldn't give you any sense of false hope hahah.
    Headle said...
    Your dinner sounds amazing! You are such an awesome cook! Your poppyseed chicken recipe is still a family favorite! :)
    Rae said...
    You....are awesome. I just want you to live right next door, and your powers of productivity will be contagious and I will become an amazing homemaker, right? Rrrriiiight????

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