Wednesday, January 23, 2008

This past week I bought new running shoes and am so happy with them. I love them! I think this picture makes them look a little clunky and boyish. I guess I'll have to take a picture of me wearing them to really do them justice.

And in my effort to make them last longer and follow proper "shoe etiquette" if there is such a thing, I'm trying to find a pair of casual brown shoes that I can wear everyday. I've been everywhere and even looked online but haven't been able to find anything until I stumbled over these Privo Spangles.

Oh how I want these shoes! But why, why, why, must they be EIGHTY-FOUR DOLLARS??!



  1. Rae said...
    Okay, I promise you can find some probably JUST like that for WAY less....

    (BTW shipping and returns are free on this site.)
    Lisa said...
    What adorable shoes!! Isn't it a pain that the good ones are also expensive? Why can't Payless figure out what the high-end people have??
    Rae said...
    Okay. It wouldn't let me display the entire URL. But just go to and browse. You can select what price range and what color,'s nice.
    Abby said...
    Rae, that Piper Lime site is great! I'm not sold on the shoes I've seen there yet, but I'm excited to be looking somewhere I haven't. AND they're a subsidiary of Gap! Does that mean I can use your gift card??
    Anna said...
    Those brown shoes are sooooo cute. I want a pair too. I hope you can find some that aren't so expensive.

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