Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Excuse me?!

Yesterday at the grocery store a checker at the register (not even my register) commented to me that I must be hoping for a boy. When I replied that we're having another girl she practically begged me to try at least one more time for a boy! And then she said to the woman whose groceries she was checking, "The more kids you have, the better they friend has seven kids and they are SO well behaved..."

OKAY. Faulty logic at work here. More kids automatically means better behaved kids? Yeah...

She then looked over at Eric and said to me, "He must be doing something wrong!"

I know, and we all know, that it's the man's side of things that determines gender - but despite that, I was still a little terked (Is that a word? I'm making it one!). Excuse me? That's my husband you're joking about and I don't appreciate it! I almost told her with a huge grin that he does everything RIGHT. Not really a very witty comment, but sheesh lady. Come on! I decided not to say anything at all.

See, I know she was just trying to be nice. But it rubbed me the wrong way all the same.

I wonder now if I need to come up with a whole slew of comebacks for comments of this sort since this surely won't be the last in a family of four daughters. Or maybe I'll just decide to smile and nod while inwardly letting out an exasperated sigh.

Anyone have any witty comments I should save for later?


  1. Wendi said...
    Oh man. Wow. See I can never think of witty, yet cutting remarks in the moment. When I actually do think of a great comeback it is usually days later.I'll have to check back to see what people come up with!
    Tiff said...
    During this pregnancy, I've had quite a few people make comments here & there where I've gotten "this close" to smacking them in the face...

    ... I've had some friends say I should simply master saying the phrase, "Oh, you! Ha ha ha." in a very condescending way.

    Haven't tried it yet, but I hear it shuts people up.
    Liz Johnson said...
    All of my witty pregnancy-related comments involved the 'f' word, so I'm not much help.
    Unknown said...
    If someone makes the comment about having a boy, just say, "Well thanks, but I'm not one for getting peed on. I'll stick with the girls." And if someone else makes the comment about Eric doing something wrong, make them feel uncomfortable by saying something like, "Oh, believe me, if he were doing something wrong I wouldn't have ever gotten pregnant."

    I hate thinking of witty comebacks after you've had a conversation with someone. Some things just take you by surprise.
    Jean said...
    You could say, "Yeah? Well your face must be doing something wrong!!" So there. :-)

    (Any witty comebacks that I think of usually involve "your face" or "your mom" or "your butt." I'm not really very witty, as it turns out.)
    Heidi said...
    I have no witty come back, I'm sorry. We haven't gotten the gender remarks obviously since we're alternating (and I've had people ask if we planned it this way. Planned having boy-girl-boy-girl. Yep, we are THAT GOOD, we can plan gender.) But we use to get a lot of comments on spacing and family size. We still get them sometimes but I think when we're out with all five in tow people are too busy staring to comment.

    However, next stupid comment I get I plan to laugh really hard and then say, "Wow, you just made my blog's top ten list of inappropriate things to say! My readers are gonna LOVE this one! What's your name? I like to give credit." Okay, so I probably won't really say that. Mostly I just stare back at them in horror after some of the more terrible comments we've gotten...
    Jennie Z said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Jennie Z said...
    OOO, I wish I could think of something really clever, but I am not that whitty. Some people will say anything!
    cmnacnud said...
    Personally I love witty retorts, but this time I'm going to resist (though I really liked Heidi's)and say that you should take a deep breath. Remember taking offense when none was intended is probably worse than giving it. You'll be ok. Just smile and forgive her, then think about how truly blessed you are that you and your husband have been able to have so many beautiful daughters.
    chucknorris said...
    tell her, "You're a girl. Did your mom do something wrong when she had you?? Or do you wish you were a boy?" hahahaha
    love you abby! like, a lot :D
    Abby said...
    Thanks guys! :) I have to say too that I wasn't really upset for long over her comments. It was a mixture of funny and annoying.

    I think Tiff, Heidi, and Maddie (chucknorris...) tie for the best comeback. :)
    Christine said...
    I agree, I usually think of something perfect to say long after I leave. I usually wish I had said something extreme like, "why yes, I am due any minute now, in fact I think my water just broke! Quick, start boiling water and get some scissors!" I never actually get the nerve to do that and I end up smiling at them and ignoring the comment. Good luck!
    Lisa said...
    Yeah, I'm with Jean, all of my comebacks use no brain and just use "head" "butt" or "face". But they make you look realllll mature :)
    JAMIE said...
    It's A-OK to be annoyed, people don't mean the things they say, usually. It's just small talk. But you could say, "I wouldn't trade my girls for the world" or "I do girls well, aren't they beautiful?" That will keep them quiet.
    Qait said...
    I don't know--sometimes I think people should back off from all pregnant women wether they have a joke or a compliment.
    I hated it when people told me I was so little because I was SO anxious to get big and be done! But I hated it when people told me I was so huge because I felt nasty when they did that.
    Whatever...I just had to not take myself too seriously!

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