Monday, May 26, 2008

Family Resemblance

Okay, I don't know if it counts to use baby pictures like these -- but they were at least old enough to be out of the "newborn" stage where babies look so different from later months.

This one works if you're looking at their face shapes.

So I haven't quite figured out who Autumn looks like now. Other than Autumn, of course!

I wouldn't be surprised if Heidi actually thought these were both HER.

I've looked through most of the pictures Mom & Dad have of me growing up, and of my three girls - Esther bears the most resemblance to me.

These are pictures I didn't take time to find matches for. If you click to see it a little closer, you'll see just how much Esther looks like me.

1 Comment:

  1. Headle said...
    Wow! I love comparing these pictures and you lined them up just right!! I totally see the resemblances!

    You are such an awesome Mom, Abby!! I love your pot resourceful!! You are a cutie :)

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