Saturday, February 28, 2009
I've had several friends ask how I'm doing, nearing the end of this pregnancy and all. I am doing great! Unlike past pregnancies, I am sleeping better and feeling better than I ever did in the third trimester and almost two weeks from my due date.
I am convinced that this is due, in LARGE part, to having been to see a chiropractor! For me, each pregnancy brings with it sciatic nerve pain. And each pregnancy the pain is worse than the last. So I finally went to see a chiropractor about six weeks ago. I really should've gone a long time ago (like eight years ago...), but hindsight is 20/20 right?
I used to wake up at night stuck on my side. I couldn't move one way or the other without triggering immense, shooting pain. I am SO thankful to be done with that.
I've also slept better this pregnancy, even before the chiropractic visits. My friend Kristi mused that I am just so busy with the girls that my body won't LET me get up. It's insisting on the rest. Because honestly, I was ready to be up 3-4 times a night to go to the bathroom and here I am at 37+ weeks and I only get up once a night!
So...I feel blessed. Tremendously blessed. I am excited to welcome this baby to our family, but I am content to let her come when she's ready. I'm not saying that I wouldn't prefer sooner rather than later of course...but I'm also not feeling miserable.
I also realized after talking to my sister-in-law, that I haven't posted any prego pictures! Eric & I did a mini photo shoot back in January, at 29 weeks, so here are a couple of pictures from that. I'll have to get him to do a few more before the baby comes so I can compare. I'm pretty sure I'm quite a bit bigger at 37+ weeks than I was at 29 weeks.
And you've convinced me even further that I really should see a chiropractor for my next pregnancy.
I'm so glad you're sleeping well and feeling happy!
You are one of the most amazing moms I know. It brings me great happiness to know that another child will get to experience that fact first hand.
I hope you getting some good quality sleep in preparation for the big day. I love you!
Renee @ It Happens to Be