Monday, March 28, 2011

Too, to, TWO!

My baby is two! She's growing up way too fast. We really struck gold with her gifts this year. She loved every one of them and plays with them all daily. It's wonderful when things work out like that!

Play food from her sisters -- to go with the grocery cart they also got her.
Earlier this week I found her baby doll sitting in the front of the cart with a wallet right next to her.

Jamberry, by Bruce Degen
Oma and Opa, she loves this book so much. It is JUST the right size for her. Now if only I could get her to let go of it long enough for us to get past the first page!

They Might Be Giants, "Here Come the 1, 2, 3's" movie and audio cd from Grandma & Grandpa. Eric and I got her their A, B, C's album. I love TMBG's kid stuff. And so do the girls! We also have "No!".

She's watched enough birthday celebrations that she knows what to do.

Here's to another great year!


  1. Qait said...
    :) Oh, she is sweet. :)

    I have to go, or I'd gush over her sweetness more.

    My word verification is "clarm," hahahh!
    Jean said...
    Whaaat?? She's TWO?!! Holy cow! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE LITTLE LADY!!! Looks like an awesome celebration. :-)

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