Saturday, September 20, 2008

Heard around here...

One day as we headed out to run some errands, I told Heidi not to open the door or the alarm would go off. She said, " You mean, the alarm will go on."

A couple of days ago we were playing outside and I noticed that Autumn was sitting all by herself across the yard. She sat there for awhile, just looking around. Then she laid down in the grass for awhile. When I asked what she was doing, she said, "I was looking at the clouds and thinking of their names." (She's been learning about clouds in science this week.)


  1. chucknorris said...
    man i miss them! and you too. by the way, i really think your baby's a boy.
    Emily said...
    I love hearing these stories about your girls, they are so sweet. Up until we moved out of Wymount I would miss pulling up in my car and seeing Autumn at the window waving at me. It will be fun to see if our babies will really be born on the same day!
    Headle said...
    Those pictures are SO CUTE!! Oh, your girls are just adorable!!!! I love that Autumn was thinking of the names of the clouds, she's sooo smart!!
    Anna said...
    How did you get such cute kids? :) I love the pics.

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