Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Thursday we went swimming at the Walker's apartment complex and the girls had a blast. (So did all the adults!)
Heidi only left the water to jump back in. And she loved the water wings (or floaties) we got for her. Last year she had a life-vest during her swim lessons so I was curious to see how she'd do. She was a little timid...for the first minute.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Last night we had a really great family home evening. I had the lesson and had a new strategy I wanted to try.
I've been thinking about our family scripture study and how we don't ever get a whole story or even chapter done each night, but how I'd still like the girls to learn the whole story in one sitting. We read straight from the scriptures and I love how it's improving Autumn's reading skills and familiarizing all three of the girls with the language of the scriptures but we only read six or seven verses a night. So I decided to incorporate the current scripture story into each Family Home Evening!
Since we're reading in 1 Nephi 17 right now, our lesson was on Nephi building the ship. First we read the story from the Book of Mormon reader. That was great because it was only two pages and they also got to enjoy all the pictures. (We used to use the reader for regular family scripture time too.) Then we did a little activity.
A friend of mine recently blogged about building an actual ship for FHE, derby-car style, and that got me thinking. I really didn't want to do something that required a trip to the store though. Here's what I found instead:
LDS Family Fun, has a lesson on this very section of the Book of Mormon. Everything is there from song, scripture, video clip, lesson, discussion, story and activity - to a treat that corresponds with the lesson topic (Sheesh!). We did the activity. If these thumbnails don't take you to bigger versions when you click on them, you can just go to the website for them.
Here are the instructions for the activity along with my notes in smaller print:
Younger children will need help from an older sibling or parent.
Ask and answer the questions as you teach your children how to build their ships.
What you need:
A copy of “Nephi’s Ship” for each child (art work included with this lesson), scissors & tape.
1. Have children cut out their ships (I cut all of them in advance as well as made an extra one myself to understand the directions before we actually did them together for FHE). Cut along red dotted lines. You will be folding along the green lines.
1- What was Nephi commanded to build? (A ship)
Fold A to inside.
2- Who showed Nephi how to build the ship? (The Lord)
Fold B toward inside.
3- What did Nephi need to make tools to build the ship? (Ore)
Fold C toward inside.
4- Had Nephi ever built a ship before? (No)
Fold D toward inside. (I assumed that D was the only section of the bottom of the boat without a letter. Instead it has a triangle.)
5- Who mocked Nephi? (Laman & Lemuel)
Insert E into F. (To me, E & F both looked like F's, but if you put them together anyway...it still works:). ) Fold flat and tape to hold.
6- What happened to Laman & Lemuel when they mocked Nephi for building the ship? (Nephi stretched out his hand and the Lord shocked them.)
Fold G toward inside.
7- Did Laman & Lemuel repent and help Nephi build the ship? (Yes)
Fold H toward inside.
8- Why did the Lord want Nephi to build a ship? (So they could cross the water to the Promised Land.)
Insert I into J. Point on bow should point away from boat. Tape to hold.
9- Why did Nephi know he could build a ship? (He had trust in the Lord.)
With printed sides facing out-tape sails together at mast.
Friday, April 11, 2008
My sister Liz sent me this and it looked fun so I thought I'd give it a go!
Not as easy as you might think!
1. Where is your cell phone? purse
2 . Your significant other? gaming
4. Your mother? listens
5. Your father? amazing
6. Your favorite thing? reading
7. Your dream last night? none
8. Your favorite drink? water
9. Your dream/goal? piano
10. The room you're in? closet
11. Your ex? forgotten
12. Your fear? crime
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? job
14. Where were you last night? home
15. What you're not? silly :)
16. Muffins? yummy
17. One of your wish list items? laptop
18. Where you grew up? everywhere
19. The last thing you did? typed
20. What are you wearing? pajamas
21. Your TV? likable
22. Your pets? hamster
23. Your computer? scraps
24. Your life? chaotic
25. Your mood? tired
26. Missing someone? family
27. Your car? dying
28. Something you're not wearing? socks
29. Favorite Store? Amazon
30. Your summer? HOT
31. Like someone? naturally
32. Your favorite color? green
33. When is the last time you laughed? today
34. Do you cry alot? no
35. Who will/would re-post this? bloggers
Anyone who wants to try it out is tagged. I think it'd be fun to see what other questions people can come up with. Some of these are easy but the harder ones are fun and make me wish there were more. Too bad my brain is not currently functioning at a level to come up with more questions!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
We've been told by a friend that Esther is so cute that even when she's sweaty from napping with her nose running, and her hair all askance, he still just wants to pick her up and cuddle with her. She's just that cute. And it's true.
Today as I was sitting on the floor spot-cleaning the carpet, Esther came up behind me and hugged my back! And then she just stayed there, cuddling against my back as I cleaned.
And then as I was still cleaning the carpet, this time on hands and knees next to the couch, Esther climbed onto the couch and tried several times to climb onto my back. I was rooting for her but she kept slipping off the couch instead of onto me. It was very cute.
Monday, April 7, 2008
This past week was Spring Break for Autumn. It was so much fun to have her home with us!
Next year. :)
On Friday the girls and I went with my friend Kristi and her girls to the beach!
Esther was obsessed with the water and the birds.
Here she is in the water, reaching for the birds.
It was really a beautiful day and not cold,
but she's so little and just didn't want to leave the water.
I had to enforce breaks for her!
When we arrived, the red flag was up
meaning they didn't recommend we go in the water due to rip tides.
We were sad to think the girls wouldn't get to play in the water, but then delighted to discover the waves had created a tide pool ankle deep
(our depth rule even at the shoreline)
and separated from the shore by a sandbank!
I didn't want the responsibility of three girls AND Eric's expensive camera at the beach,
so I brought along my little "point and shoot" camera.
I couldn't even see my LCD screen and was unsure of how these pictures would turn out.
I think I did pretty good for a dinky $100 camera, don't you?! I really like this picture!