Saturday, April 28, 2007


Eric graduated from BYU yesterday! August marks eleven years since he entered BYU as a freshman. Yesterday, many of the graduates were in fifth grade when Eric started school at BYU! But we know the Lord's hand has been guiding us and that we've been blessed in countless ways. Some of the blessings I can count:

  • a two-year church mission in Torreon, Mexico
  • getting married
  • Autumn was born in 2001
  • we were blessed to live with Mom & Dad Hanson in Germany for six months
  • Eric composed and conducted the music for an independent film, Handcart
  • Eric worked full-time as a debt counselor
  • We went back to school full-time after a two-year break
  • Heidi was born in 2003
  • Eric's major changed for a third and final time and he officially became a Music Performance student, accepted into the program with a half-tuition scholarship
  • Esther was born in 2006
  • Eric spent his last semester at BYU keeping up with classes while traveling to audition for SIX different graduate schools
During the convocation address yesterday, the Dean said that 14% of the graduates had one child. And although the Dean did not continue with two, and three children -- we know that of the students who graduated in Eric's School of Music yesterday, he is the ONLY one with THREE children! Thank you to EVERYONE who helped us get there! We couldn't have done it without you!


  1. Crystal said...
    Thanks for emailing me your link! I'm so glad you're will be great to keep in touch with you when you go to FL. I'll email Anna my blog address. So fun you guys are going to Japan/Austria! What an adventurous summer!! And CONGRATS to Eric!!
    Rae said...
    Congratulations to Eric for his persistence and dedication! And Abby, congratulations to YOU for fueling him along with all the support you've given him through the last few years.

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