Monday, May 28, 2012

It seems like I don't do things in "littles" these days. This is not the season for frequent little posts. I'll settle for a gargantuan post with a picture or two from each of our happenings over the last several months instead.

Heidi turned 8 and was baptized.
Eric had his second DMA Recital.
Oma, Opa, Grandma, and Grandpa were all able to come for her baptism and Eric's Recital.
Autumn turned 10 and got her ears pierced.
We spent Christmas and New Year's in SLC with Grandma & Grandpa.
Becca turned 3.
Eric accepted a position to teach on the Voice Faculty at University of Texas - El Paso, starting this fall.
Eric had his FINAL DMA Recital.
Eric graduated with a Doctorate of Musical Arts, even singing the Alma Mater Solo at Commencement!
Oma, Opa, Grandma, and Grandpa were all able to come for Graduation!
We bought my mom & dad's 2010 Honda Odyssey.
We sold our 2006 Town & Country (to the guy who called JUST after we finished up paperwork on the Odyssey, even!)
I took my THIRD glucose test of this pregnancy and still do NOT have gestational diabetes (and never have). Extra tests = extra stress. Glad to have that done with.
The girls finished out their school year. 

We are now enjoying summer weather, summer reading time, packing, house hunting, and gestating.

Monkey see.

Monkey do.

Heidi's birthday back in September.

Heidi's main birthday request: horseback riding. Fortunately, we have good friends with a few horses. Even I went for a ride with Becca. 

Big enough to be a BIG sister!

Oma & Opa Time

Autumn on her 10th Birthday! Ears pierced now and so happy Oma could be there.

Decorations for Autumn's birthday back in October.

Christmas-time at Grandma & Grandpa's

Loving her new haircut. It actually wasn't damage control this time. I think.

Oma & Opa sent Minnie for Christmas, Mickey for Becca's Birthday. It was a happy reunion for Mickey & Minnie.

Fine Motor Skill "Game" for Becca = a few more minutes uninterrupted school-time with the big girls

Imagine walking by this bookshelf and seeing something you didn't expect to see. Well hello, cat.

California STAR Testing done and ready for some playtime with friends. (one friend short does anyone get 7 kids to hold still at the same time for pictures?)

Esther thoroughly enjoyed playtime with her friend while Autumn & Heidi did their testing. They gave each other make-over after make-over, only stopping for 5-minute breaks and then going right back to work!

My "grandpa was here" stamp. Fuzzy picture, but he was here! This picture is from graduation week.

A lizard Heidi caught in Eric's aunt's yard. It fit in her hand but looks bigger here! She was sad she couldn't bring it home.

First pregnancy that my wedding ring doesn't fit. Found a $9 sterling silver peridot ring on eBay for a substitute!

Relief Society "Cupcake Wars" Activity - It really wasn't a contest at all. This was a fun activity.

Post-church  nap for Maddie. This is what happens when I have the most comfortable bed in the house.

Who needs a chair when you can stand on a bucket?

I can't even remember where we'd been this day. Apparently, it was a GOOD day.

35 Weeks

Bigger than I've been with any of my other pregnancies...maybe she'll still be small? :D