Thursday, July 8, 2010


For our tenth anniversary this year, we spent a whole day at Disneyland without the kids. (We have awesome friends who love to watch our girls!)

And we finally bought yearly passes! We've wanted to do that since we moved here in August. In the past month and a half, we've already been to Disneyland FOUR times.

A sign on the way to Disneyland. Can anyone enlighten me? What are wet burritos?

Here's the new antenna topper we chose for our van. Someone or something took our pink princess Mickey. It's probably better that way since it was a Disney World one. We might have gotten into trouble bringing one of those into Disneyland. :)

A display we found in a store window of Disney's Main Street.

Toy Story "army men"!! Poor guys. Those costumes looked so hot.

Now Disneyland WITH the kids...

That face says it all!
(Autumn's, not the roly-poly...)

Inside the new Nemo submarine ride.

So we paid to take our kids to Disneyland, and what do they want to ride? The oldest ride in the book -- the carousel.

I completely understand.

There is something timeless and magical about carousels. They make me feel like a kid all over again.

We only rode double once. Oops!
They're sure loved sitting together though...

My goofy, happy, big kids.
(And their toothy...toothless?...grins!)

Yep, this was a good decision. We are going to love learning all the ins and outs of Disneyland. Autumn already spotted our first Hidden Mickey.


  1. Tiff said...
    A wet burrito, I BELIEVE, is like an enchilada, where you have a burrito and then basically smother it in sauce.

    And, WHY are you doubling up on the carousel, woman?! Didn't you hear the rule about harnessing children?! You are being one of THOSE moms. You know - the kind that makes the ride wait for 5 more minutes so you can be "dealt with"...

    They should make you go to Disneyland jail (t does exist by the way) LOL

    Tiff said...
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    Abby said...
    Got it Tiff, that makes sense -- a burrito covered in sauce. I knew it wasn't a translation typo but just couldn't even imagine what that was supposed to mean!

    Hahahaha....yeah, I guess I was one of THOSE moms...I promise it wasn't 5 minutes though! :D
    Jean said...
    YAAAAAAAAAAAY for Disney date!!! We love those too, as you well know. :-) Haha...

    I'm glad you guys got passes! Although, I have to say, four times in a month and a half is pitiful. It should be four times in a week and a half. :-)

    I love Becca's pink hat!!!!

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